Tutoring and Monitoring is an important part of the process during the training period. In order to guarantee a positive experience, from EDUCATION & MOBILITY, we will assure quality services like:
Tutoring and Monitoring is an important part of the process during the training period. In order to guarantee a positive experience, from EDUCATION & MOBILITY, we will assure quality services like:
The trainee will be followed by a tutor from the work placement and by a coordinator from EDUCATION & MOBILITY.
The development of the training will be monitored every week (via email, visits or phone) with a compromise of a meeting every 2 weeks.
Final Reports.
The main objective of these evaluations is to help the trainees to deal with any difficulties, give a professional orientation and support them during their stay in the Basque Country.
EUROPASS: EDUCATION & MOBILITY will cooperate actively with the sending organisation in all procedures for issuing the Europass certificate.
After the course and internship each participant will get a detailed description and evaluation regarding the content and success of the course and traineeship from his / her teacher and employer.